Keith Zehr
Education: AA Degree in Business from Hesston College, Hesston KS, and Bachelor of Science Degree in Bible with a Business Minor from Houghton College, Houghton, NY.
I was born in Watertown NY and spent a good portion of my early years moving around the country with my family. This pattern has continued into my married life. We are happy to now be at Sugar Creek, where back in 1941, Pastor Simon Gingerich was named as a traveling bishop to the First Mennonite Church in New Bremen, NY where my grandparents and mother were attending at the time. How cool is that? We are thrilled to be part of a church that places priority on Jesus as the center of the church with all activities stemming from that belief. You can read about this in the “About Us” section of this website. It is a truly exciting way to live and we look forward to sharing it with you!
Connie Zehr
I grew up in Nebraska and attended Hesston College where I met my husband Keith. We have lived in Nebraska, Kansas, New York, and Iowa. A child was born in each state until we moved to Iowa, where we were content with puppies and kitties being born into the family. Keith was director of Crooked Creek Christian Camp near Washington, Iowa from 1994-2001 while I was Food Service Director. We have three children, three granddaughters, and one granddog. I am currently the Conference Minister of Denominational Relations for New York Mennonite Conference in addition co-pastoring at Sugar Creek Mennonite Church. As we moved from place to place, we have seen evidence of God’s presence. Though each place was different, the vision was the same: “to know Jesus and to make him known”.
Council Chairperson: Klinton Garrett
Church Treasurer: Mike Roth
Council Secretary: Jami Miller
Education Chairperson: Heather Freyenberger
Extension Chairperson: Lori Miller
Facilities Chair/Council Vice-Chair: Kendall Leichty
Fellowship & Hospitality Chair: Mary Jo Richard
Worship Chairperson: Tamara Zechin
Pastors Keith & Connie Zehr
Elders: Matt Slagel, Justin Freyenberger, Lisa Graber
Head Elder: Matthew Slagel
2nd Year: Justin Freyenberger
1st Year: Lisa Graber (2nd term)
Katy Black
Garry & Lori Leichty
Wendy Pickard