Every year we hold VBS for kids in preschool through 6th grade with Wayland Mennonite Church using the Shine curriculum from MennoMedia. VBS is a wonderful way to inspire children and families to love and follow Jesus! We have a fun time learning about God through story, dramas, songs, crafts, games, and more. Join us for the fun!
Theme: Waves of Wonder
Where: Sugar Creek Mennonite Church
When: June 2-6, 2025 & Sunday June 8
Registration: https://bit.ly/scwmcvbs2025
Children 2 years old through 1st grade are welcome to join the Primary Department. Our morning opens with singing, celebrating birthdays, and prayer. Class then begins with lessons, crafts, and games.
2 years old - 1st grade
Kids in 2nd grade through 8th grade are welcome to join a class in the Junior Department. We have an opening time with all of the classes together for devotions, prayer, singing, and birthday celebrations. After the opening, each class goes to their own room for lessons and activities.
2nd-5th grade
6th-8th grade
JYF evenings (Junior Youth Fellowship)
JYF (grades 7-8) meets every Wednesday evening from 6:00-8:00 PM at Wayland Mennonite Church, Fall through Spring. JYF is directed by Pastor Joshua Wenger with volunteer help.
Mennonite Youth Fellowship (MYF) Sunday School
MYF (grades 9-12) meets together for Sunday School with their teachers, Josh & Stephanie Miller.
MYF evenings
Youth typically meet 3 of 4 Sundays a month in the evenings at 6pm for Bible studies and fun events. On Bible study evenings we have a gathering time, Bible study, small groups, and snacks. This year Nathan & Rachelle Luitjens and Jay & Rachel Meyer are the youth sponsors.
We have combined all adult classes into one intergenerational discussion group, meeting in the Fellowship Hall.
It is typically a book study with discussion each week, or using Salt & Light lessons that are published by MennoMedia.
Discussion is led by a volunteer each week.
Mennonite Women meets the first Wednesday of the month beginning at 9am in the Fellowship Hall.
Mennonite Women is comprised of women from Sugar Creek Mennonite, Wayland Mennonite, Eicher Mennonite and others in the community who gather for quilting, craft projects (local and global), Bible study, and social events.
Shalom Readers Club is for children who are 4 years old through 8th grade. The books focus on various aspects of shalom in our world. Each age group has a different list of books to read from that are age and reading appropriate. When kids read 7 of the books on the book list and do creative responses to two of them, they will receive a free book from CPMC.
There is now also an Adult Shalom Readers Club!