We offer both adult and children's Sunday school classes.
Children's Sunday School is for all children and youth 2 years old through 12th grade.
We have the following classes for children and youth:
2 year olds through 1st grade
2nd-5th grades
6th-8th grades
9th-12th grades
We also have various adult Sunday school classes and would love to help you find the one that's a good fit for you.
Enjoy each other's company between Sunday School and church with cookies and coffee in the Fellowship Hall!
Worship together in the sanctuary or join us through the live stream. We will also have DVD and CD copies of the service available the following week.
Follow this link to join our live stream service on Zoom:
You can also watch the live stream through our Facebook page:
To watch the recorded sermon after Sunday worship go to our YouTube channel:
Past bulletins available upon request from the church office.